Friday, December 18, 2009

Altar & Walls

I'll try to post in the order I've worked on things. I was first inspired to create terrain:

So this is a forgotten altar of some kind with two sections of wall (statue courtesy of D&D Minis).

The altar is a piece of cardboard, coffee can lid dais, wine cork pillars. The brickwork was an idea I had to carve patterns right in to the card and then paint over that; I think I'll really be able to use this technique as I get better at crafting things. This also taught me that working with cork is awesome.

The walls are filled down LEGO bricks. I think this was a good idea, but not time-efficient at all. The bricks are very hard plastic, and filling them down for both walls took the better part of a day. Since then I've found several articles that suggest using large pieces of flock or fish tank rocks glued to a wall of card. This method looks better on the effort and result. Maybe a little moss/vines on the tops will improve them.

I'm still happy with my first new creations. Chris and I are planning to make large 2x2' sections of themed terrain eventually, but till we get that together terrain pieces will get us in to the game.

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